
Posts Tagged ‘destiny’

3 Steps to Sustaining A Powerful Vision (When Life Pulls You In New Directions)

In Abundance, Career Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, s Mentoring, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2015/10/18 at 10:13 am
The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life

As you may know, I frequently remind readers that the Building A Powerful Vision process provides the internal results of Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum, and Happiness. The medium used in doing this work with individuals and teams is vision boards. A vision board is an external and concrete expression of the picture you hold in your mind of what you want to attract and achieve in your life. Once you’ve created your vision, you build belief through incremental successes. Early successes and commitment result in greater progress and accomplishment naturally follows (Find out more about this and find my books at http://tessdenton.com).

Once an individual creates and commits to a Powerful Vision, life becomes brighter. Good things start to happen. You get on a roll, and you feel unstoppable. Here’s the catch: As effective as my process and tools, or any tools and process you are using may be, you grow and change over time, as do the people around you. Life pulls at your plan, and you find yourself asking, “How do I keep my priorities and my plan in the forefront when new demands on my time and energies show up?” This is where Sustaining A Powerful Vision comes into play.

Sustaining a Powerful Vision and staying true to your vision is a journey, an art, and a science. I’m living the effort right now! In the time between the release of my last book, “Building A Powerful Vision Planner:  A One Year Guide To Creating A Life You Love” and now, I’ve been attending to the many moving parts of my own life. During this time, I’ve made choices about the focus of my own career. I have adjusted my targets relative to the balance of career, consulting and creativity. I have deferred or scaled back my efforts on a number of new projects in order to participate in the life changes taking place for my parents, as they navigate life at age 87.5!

The result is that I’ve conducted more workshops, created fewer BlogTalk Radio episodes, and spent more time managing the journey of life unfolding. I’m not sure about you, but I have come to appreciate that my intentions and vision impact the way that I live my life, and that what happens in life impacts intentions and my vision.

Examples of the many things that can happen on the way to your vision for life and success:

  • Families get larger
  • Parents age
  • Job transfers happen
  • Priorities shift
  • New dreams emerge
  • Health improves

You may notice that one day, you wake up and find that your priorities have changed, and that you need to adjust your vision. Naturally, when life makes new demands, you accelerate some activities, you put the brakes on some plans, you wonder if you can stay on the path of your vision. On some days, you might doubt that you’ll ever figure it out. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Today, I offer three steps to you to help you feel in control, if this is happening to you:

1: Find a quiet place, free of clutter. It is best to take a trip to a spot where you can be alone, perhaps with a cup of coffee and some great music. Step away from your home or office. Once you’re comfortable and ready to concentrate, placed a blank sheet of paper on the table. Write out the following questions and then your answers to the questions:

  • What’s been added to your plate that has changed your sense of control of your time or your freedom?
  • Is “what’s been added” draining your time or your energy or both? Write a few examples of how it is draining.
  • Is “what’s been added” a situation or new responsibility happening for the first time or is it something that you have encountered before?
  • Is “what’s been added” it temporary or permanent? How long is this new responsibility likely to stay?
  • Is your new responsibility something you selected or intended or was it thrust upon you?
  • How is it contributing to your life (for example, life lesson, additional revenue, more time to build relationships)?
  • If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?

2: Looking at the last question, “If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?”, write a few statements about how you think you can stick to your plan for your vision, As an alternative, if it appears that you need to alter your plan, what needs to change and what can remain intact?

3: Review your list of questions and your intentions to stick to or adjust your plan to achieve your vision. Spend 10 or 15 minutes settling into the feeling of being back in control of your world. Notice if you feel more at ease and at peace with the changes that life is presenting to you. Once you are satisfied with your responses and you’ve had some time to sit with them, Fold up the paper, or take a photo of it with your phone (or both), and head back into the stream of life. Keep that paper or photo handy, and refer to it often. You may find that it serves as a grounding reminder of what is happening in your life and your intention to remain centered and in control of your life during challenging times.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week!

Three Good Reasons To Lead a Life of Positive Anticipation

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/09/07 at 3:58 pm
Expect Good Things!

Expect Good Things!

… And the three good reasons are:

1. You will ease up on negativity. Media and Social Media are dripping with stories of all that’s wrong in the world today. Stop the insanity!

2. You will begin focusing on possibilities, which improves the probability of good things happening in your life. As Esther Hicks (Abraham- Hicks) says, ” The better it gets, the better it gets!”

3. You will appreciate what’s right in your life, right now. There’s no need to wait for some day to be happy.

I hold a very strong belief that every day is a chance to begin anew – that today may be a day when something great happens. The origin of this belief goes back to a time somewhere around age 12. It was at this age that the words “try-out” and “audition” entered my vocabulary.  My success rate in being selected for red-rover, softball and cheerleading teams was abysmal. In fact, I think that I’m 0 for 20 in that category. Although I was tall, lean and coordinated, I was not athletic. I was more of a song and dance girl.  Once I turned my attention to contests related to the performing arts, my world opened up. Finding a niche suited to my strengths was key to building confidence in my abilities. Along the way, I’ve learned that in order to have great things happen, you have to be brave enough to show up and risk rejection – again and again.

I learned, when working in theater and in sales, that beyond skill and talent, success is “a numbers game”. I have a success niche, and that great things tend to happen more when I’m playing in that zone of strength, than when I am out of my zone. The same is probably true for you. A friend of mine is a casting director in Chicago.  She once explained that in casting a commercial or film, the casting director has a “type” in mind for most roles. They call a talent agency, and ask that actors with a certain look (age, physical features, frame, etc.) and talent be invited to audition.  When you attend enough auditions, you notice that you compete against the same set of actors, over and over again. You show up at each audition, in anticipation that this is the day that something great may happen – you’ll be cast, and your destiny will change. You audition for more roles than you get, but you must show up in anticipation of something great happening each time you’re called.

Regardless of the role in which you are cast, there is the opportunity of something great happening in your life on most days. The definition of GREAT changes over time, just as you do. Great today may mean that you got to spend four hours with your teenage son, and you discovered that the wisdom you’ve been sharing with him for the past sixteen years is taking root. Great today may mean that you found parking spot 50-fee from the train station, allowing you to get to work on time, which rarely happens. Great today may mean that you have been invited to interview for a job you’ve always wanted, and your financial situation is about to change for the better. Great today may mean that you left the dentist without a follow-up appointment to have a tooth filled. Great is anything that takes you to a happy place.

I challenge you to one week of waking up each morning, in anticipation of something great happening in your life. It will inform and transform your day.  Send comments, send feedback. I’d love to hear what unfolds for you.

As always, I welcome your comments. Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising


Transformation: Launching Your Heart’s Desire

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/02/28 at 2:36 pm
What's Waiting For You?

What’s Waiting For You?

“Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”   – The Little Prince

Leap Day, a 29th day in February, is a rare occurrence.Leap Day comes only once in four years. In the average lifetime, we enjoy 18-20 Leap Days. The fact that Leap Day will not come around for another two years leaves me with a bit of longing for one day that doesn’t belong to anyone else – a day that I can set aside  to dream, to listen to my heart’s desire, to dare, to prepare to transform my life. But, being melancholic is not how I operate.
Creating a  transformative opportunity for people to listen to their heart’s desire is what I do 365 days a year. So, take heart! .While Leap Day isn’t coming around this year, it is possible to create space for rich and rare occasions such as embarking on a transformational journey no matter what the date on the calendar.
Finding the just right time to embark on a journey of  transformation can be  rather like trying to catching a train to Hogwart’s on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station. Vision, belief and trust are involved. And, just as the the busy station may not be aware of the magic happening there, the people in your may be going about their lives, possibly quite oblivious to your need to take a deep breath and dive into the life you see, sense and desire for your great success or your soul’s survival.. You may be the only one who sees that the time to embark on your journey is…. NOW, and that is perfectly okay. Once you are used to the idea, you can share your news and your progress with everyone else.  Just worry about yourself for a little while.
Whatever your goals, whatever your hope for your future – everything begins with Your Vision. When you are clear about what you want in life, you can move in the direction of fulfilling your dreams.
If you’re ready to gain clarity about what will make you confident, happy, and prosperous – if  you’re ready for direction, wait no more – Build A Powerful Vision for your future.Today, I offer you and way to launch your desires with just the change you have in your pocket:
1. On a slip of paper, write your heart’s desire.Write one extra copy of your desire and place it in a safe place where you can refer to it in the days and years to come.
2. Roll it up into a tiny little scroll.
3. Go to a party store and purchase a helium balloon. Before they fill the balloon with helium, place your scroll of desire inside the balloon.
4. Attach the balloon to your wrist and walk around with it for about 30 minutes. You’ll certainly be giving attention to your desire. If people ask you about the balloon you’re wearing, tell them that you’re releasing your true desire today.
5. Go to a park, a lake, or a rooftop. 6. Release your balloon! (You might want to have your cell phone ready to take a picture). 
Congratulations – Your journey of transformation has begun!!!
As always, I welcome your comments. To learn more about the books in my Building A Powerful Vision Series, or to find out about Building A Powerful Vision coaching, visit www.tessdenton.com.
Make it a great week.
~ Tess
Copyright 2014
Destiny Rising, LLC

“This Year Will Be Different (We say, again and again)”: 6-Steps To Fulfill Your Intentions

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/01/10 at 1:31 pm
Attention! I have something to say...

Attention! I have something to say…

We are already in the double digits of January! We’ve said farewell to most of our holiday visitors, and we are ready to get down to business. I wrote, recently, that most people do not stick to their New Year’s Resolutions. Even if that is the case, most of us carry our good intentions well into the new year.

If you are not so certain that resolutions are for you, yet you want to live to the intention “This Year Will Be Different” – consider the exercise that I first wrote about last January. It is a method of visualizing that will help strengthen your resolve to create a life you love. The date on the calendar isn’t important. Getting started IS.

In just 6 easy steps,

1: Reflect and Write: Spend about 15 minutes limitless thinking about and what you want to change, do and have in life (or in 2013). Using a blank piece of paper at least 8.5 x 11, write those things down.

2:  Elaborate (The 3rd Degree): Interview yourself about your list. If someone handed your list to you, you would probably be asked to elaborate on his or her ideas. As you take on the interviewer’s perspective, you might ask, “Who will benefit? Why do you want to do that? What will it mean to have that in your life?”

3: Declare Your Intention (Campaign Promises): Announce what you intend to accomplish or attract into your reality. You have done the visioning work- you’ve created an elaborate word picture in the previous two steps.  Now, you can claim it.  Turn your list into a paragraph that announces your intention. Once you have done this, you’re ready to put some incremental goals in place. Post this intention. Keep it nearby. Consider  making a vision board (www.buildingapowerfulvisionboard.com), starting a journey of planning your future (https://www.createspace.com/4472270), or typing up a clean copy of your statement, framing it or using it as the background on your computer or your phone.

4: List some specific goals for the journey to your intended outcome. For example, if your goal is to add $75,000 to your retirement by 2017, now would be a good time to describe the amount you intend to add in 2014, 2015 and 2016. Plan the work and work the plan.

5: Map your journey: Describe how you will get there. List the types of actions and activities you’ll  GET to do (not HAVE to do. Have to do sounds like work. Get to do means learning and expanding) to reach your intended outcome at each phase of your journey.

6:  Hitch up the wagon… we’re heading out! Decide how the first leg of your journey is going to play out. What are the few first steps that you will take and celebrate? Select some steps you can complete this week, and then get out there!

Best of luck with your plan. As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week.

~ Tess


Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Bundle Up and “Chill” For A Change!

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/01/05 at 9:15 am
Snow Day!

Snow Day!

January 5, 2014 – The weather outside IS frightful if you live in most of the 48 contiguous United States today.

The snow is heavy. Sub-sub-zero temps are on their way. Many of us have been cabin-bound for the past week. How shall I respond to this weather crisis?

Hmm… Usually, I don my  disciplined  project cape and use this time for business related creative work. I tell my family that I need to get a head start on my planning and writing for the new year.

Here’s the truth. I think that my family doesn’t enjoy being stuck in the house with  Miss Intensity. I think they prefer “Let’s build a snowman, drink hot cocoa and bake really good crusty bread!” Tess much more.

Today, my productivity is going to be limited to a read of Desiderata , and a good “Chill”.

Here are my Snowy Day recommendations for you, should you find yourself snowbound this season:

A day of good cheer and intensity-free living will create great memories and garner the  support of those whose support you need the remaining 364 days a year.

Here’s a bonus: You may receive some healthy feedback about ways that your family and friends need your support in their lives while you are busy creating your Best Life!

Make it a great week. As always, I welcome your comments.

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Appreciation At 0600: A Great Way To Impact 2014!

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2013/12/29 at 2:37 pm
Countdown To Your Best Year Ever

Countdown To Your Best Year Ever

Season’s Greetings :). Today, we continue to count down to the New Year.

The doors open early on this event. We are 4 days from 2014, and there’s nothing like a countdown to get you motivated. By starting today, you’ll be ready for the fresh start headed your  way.

I highly recommend setting a tone for the New Year with a foundation of appreciation (I share my simple practice at the end of this post).

Appreciation is a skill and an art. Dale Carnegie crafted and shared  the art of appreciation in The Dale Carnegie Course. The course is based on his 2 bestsellers, “How To Win Friends and Influence People” and “How To Stop Worrying And Start Living”. Both books are a must read :).

When I worked for Dale Carnegie Training, I had the opportunity to participate in, assist and instruct The Dale Carnegie Course. Among my favorite of Dale Carnegie’s quotes is, Nothing else so inspires and heartens people as words of appreciation. You an I may soon forget the words of encouragement and appreciation that we  utter now, but the person to whom we have spoken them may treasure them and repeat them to themselves over a lifetime.”

Appreciation raises vibration, and it is beneficial for all involved. Whether you are giving or receiving appreciation, your heart beats a little more loudly, you become grounded and everything is right with the world, if just for a short time.

We often talk about wanting to achieve more in the coming year while living in appreciation of what we already have. Most of my problems, and possibly most of yours are what are commonly called ‘First World Problems’. As I prepare to share my daily appreciation practice with you, I think that it is important to set a baseline for appreciation.  Click here to ground yourself.

Welcome back! I hope that you enjoyed your video. On to my simple practice:

  1. You will need an empty jar, slips of paper, stationary and a computer available.
  2. Each morning, before you begin getting ready for work or getting the kids off to school (perhaps at 0600 hours), take 5 minutes of quiet time in a private space. Write an e-mail or brief note of appreciation to someone who has shown you kindness or set a good example for you now or previously in your life. Mentioning personal traits, along with an example or evidence of that trait make particularly compelling messages.
  3. On a slip of paper, write the date and the name of the individual, along with three words of appreciation. Place the slip it in jar. If you have name and address, prepare a stamped envelope and get it ready to mail.  If you have no way of sending your message via e-mail or post, jot a few notes on a piece of paper, along with the individual’s name. Place the message in a jar and wish that individual well.
  4. The magic is complete. Your message and your energy are finding their way to physically (or energetically) to the recipients of your appreciation.
  5. By employing this simple strategy, you are successfully starting each day from a perspective of appreciation. Now and again, give yourself a lift by reviewing  the slips of paper in the jar. I would venture to guess that the longer you continue this practice, the more the spirit of appreciation will find its way into your life.
  6. That’s it for Day 4 of the New Year’s countdown. We’re only left with ready, set and go!

Make it a great week. As always, I welcome your comments!

~ Tess

http://www.tessdenton.com (My books are available here)


Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Preparing To Give Thanks

In Abundance, Career, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2013/11/25 at 11:49 am


It’s Thanksgiving Week. Food, family, friends and gratitude are on the agenda for readers who live in the U.S.

In addition to gathering for a feast. Thanksgiving  signals the start to the season of preparing for what the next year holds for you. Health, Wealth, Relationship, and Adventure may be in your plans.

Today, I offer you a tool to help you launch your process. This tool calculates how long you’ve been at work creating Your Amazing Life. After you’ve calculated your result, return to my post.

Click here to be dazzled by your journey: Your Amazing Life Equation 

Now that you know your results, here are three easy steps to reflecting on your journey to date and preparing for your next Amazing Year:

1. On a blank card or on a Journal page, spend two minutes reflecting on the calculated result for your lifetime.  Were you surprised at the number of days behind you? Are you proud of what you’ve accomplished in your lifetime or do you feel the urge to create a new future? Do you feel a pressure or an exhilaration to make the most of the next 365 or 1,000 or 5,000 days (I can help your with that! Building A Powerful Vision Planner: A One-Year Guide For Creating A Life You Love ? Have you created a legacy or is it time to do so?

2. As a Thanksgiving activity and conversation starter, share the link to the calculator with your friends and family. It’s an easy link to copy and paste: (http://www.korn19.ch/coding/days.php). Share your reflections and aspirations around the Holiday table.

3. As you plan for the New Year, schedule a one-day-away retreat. Step away from your home or office to reflect on how to make the next 365 particularly powerful.  Click Here for the directions for your Do Not Disturb Retreat .

Happy Holidays! As always, I welcome your comments

~ Tess

copyright 2013, Destiny Rising, LLC




Taking Your Vision and Success to the Next Level

In Abundance, Career, Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Mentoring, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2013/09/14 at 9:42 pm
Daily Schedule - Ben Franklin

Daily Schedule – Ben Franklin

In looking at the calendar today, I realized that I am nearing the 1,000 day mark for stepping into a more flexible lifestyle to support my goals in life. I calculated just how much time has passed since I started this journey. From and including: Wednesday, January 5, 2011 to and including: Saturday, September 14, 2013, 984 days have passed. I am reflecting on what I’ve accomplished in  2 years, 8 months, 10 days and what I need to illuminate, elaborate or eliminate in order to speed my journey and take my performance to a higher level.

I know that achieving a new level of success generally doesn’t happen on its own.  The “doing” in doing whatever it takes to succeed includes creating some new daily practices, even better planning and consistency of effort.

As is true of any endeavor I undertake, I research the habits of notable success figures to determine the ways in which I need to change my habits  to achieve more. As I’ve thought about this discipline thing, a Kahlil Gibran quote from The Prophet keeps popping into my head: “Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself”. The message in this quote for me is to create practice, habit and discipline, but not get so entrenched in the discipline that I drive others away or miss the joy of the journey.

Today’s blog photo is useful. It is one that I found on a blog post titled, “The Daily Routines of Famous Writers” (Blog title is  Brain Pickings). It is a picture of Ben Franklin’s daily routine. Since I was very young, I have been amazed by at Ben Franklin’s diversity, brilliance and zest for life.  The following is a list of Franklin’s accomplishments and areas of contribution  (compiled by Ralph Archbald,  famous for portraying Ben Franklin):

SCIENCE – Noted 18th Century Scientist

INVENTOR – Stove, lightning rod, bifocals and many others…

MEDICINE – Founded 1st U.S. Hospital

BANKING – Well known for maxims on thrift

AGRICULTURE – Introduced several crops to U.S.

PRINTING – Noted Colonial printer – “Patron Saint of Printing”

ELECTRICAL – Experiments and theories – Kite & Key

INSURANCE – Started 1st insurance company

HEATING – Franklin stove

COOLING – Had three methods of cooling

OPTOMETRIC – Bifocal glasses

POSTAL – First postmaster

LIBRARIES – Started 1st circulating library

PUBLIC SAFETY – Started 1st police department and fire department

MUSIC – Invented musical instrument – glass armonica

GOVERNMENT – Held numerous positions: Clerk, Postmaster, J.P., Alderman, Governor, Ambassador

MILITARY – Colonel in Militia

DIPLOMAT – Ambassador to England Minister to France

COMMUNITY SERVICE – Street lighting, paving and cleaning

UNIONS – Started Leather Apron Club

BUSINESSMAN – Owned and operated several businesses

PHILOSOPHER – Started American Philosophical Society

ABOLITIONIST – Started Society to Abolish Slavery

MERCHANT – Operated store as part of printshop

HUMORIST – Considered America’s 1st writer of humor

FORECASTER – Published Poor Richards “Almanack”

FUND RAISER – Originated matching contributions idea

SAILING – Designed “sea anchors”

CARTOONIST – Drew 1st cartoon in an American newspaper

LINGUIST – Studied several languages and designed a phonetic alphabet

CARTOGRAPHER – Mapped the Gulf Stream and Routes for the post office

MENTOR – Acted as a counselor and guide to many of his contemporaries

In Franklin’s time, days were counted in 24 hours, just as they are today. Excellent use of time and building in time for enjoyment were a priority for him.

My lesson for today is that time-blocking is not something that was introduced in the twentieth century.  Using Franklin’s example  I am examining  the ways I schedule my time, and making note of gaps between planning and actual use of my time.

This will be particularly useful, because I am in the midst of a new publishing project focused on Taking Performance To A Higher Level. I’m looking at elements of high performance from a variety of perspectives. Along the way, I am sharing some of my own practices for health, wealth and wellness. I welcome your contribution to this study. If you have practices you follow from which you think others can benefit, feel free to comment or contact me!

In the coming weeks, I’ll be posting ideas about  achieving new levels of success and speeding your way to your Vision. As always, I welcome your comments.

Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Let The Music Set You Free!

In Abundance, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Success, Vision Boards on 2013/04/18 at 1:15 pm
Woman Sampling Compact Disk

Choose Your Soundtrack For Inspiration!

I’m a music lover. I believe that everyone’s life experience is richer when there’s a soundtrack to accompany it. On Monday of this week, I attended the “One Thing” book tour for New York Times Best-selling Author, Gary Keller. Gary brought a two-time Grammy Award nominated singer-songwriter on the tour with him. Her name is Pam Rose. I had the chance to hear her perform three numbers at the  Today, my recommendation for setting yourself free to achieve is to listen to inspiring music that will make you spring out of your chair and move in the direction of your dreams.

Here’s a link to “My Life”: (Click Here). Pam is one of the song’s writers. I’m so glad that I got to hear her perform in a small setting.

After you listen to the song once or twice, you won’t want to sit in your chair and let life pass you by for a minute longer. It’s time to happen to your life rather than letting life happen to you.

I hope that you enjoy the listen and consider using it as a theme song for taking your life to the next level. You deserve an amazing life.

Make it a great week! As always, I welcome your comments.~ Tess

Author,  Building A Powerful Vision Board: http://www.buildingapowerfulvisionboard.com

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC

Getting to GO!

In Abundance, Destiny, Goals, Mentoring, Prosperity, Success, Vision on 2013/04/07 at 12:40 pm
Ready For The Challenge

Ready For The Challenge

Ready, Set…  Ready, Set…… Ready, Set….

If getting to GO! is a problem in your life, you have plenty of company. If you perpetually remain on the starting block, you go nowhere. You are safe from failure if you never begin. However, you are safe from success, as well.

There are many reasons why people do not get to GO!.  Today, let’s look at 4 key causes of hesitation:

Lack of confidence, lack of certainty,  lack of a plan and fear of abandonment often top the list.

  • Lack of confidence: Do I have the intellect, the ability and the personality to succeed?
  • Lack of certainty: Is this my best option? Is this what I really want? Where will this choice lead me? Should I keep researching other choices? Can I trust this company? Can I trust myself?
  • Lack of a plan: I do not know who to approach with my service or product. I don’t know where I’ll find a job once I make the move. I cannot lease an apartment without a job. I have enough money to survive for three months, and then my finances screech to a halt. I don’t know enough about this industry. I’ve never been a business owner before.  I need to know more before commit. I’m just a big ball of confusion.
  • Fear of abandonment: Will my family support my choices? Will my friends help me stay optimistic and provide their support and encouragement while I build my business? If I choose to leave a dysfunctional relationship, will friends and family take sides on the issue, leaving me lonely and feeling like the villain?

If you are uptight or breathless after reading the list above,  Clarity may be the tonic you seek.  I refer to Building A Powerful sense of Clarity as the foundation for achieving your goals and what you want in life: Clarity is energizing. It is refreshing to clear away doubt about the direction you are headed, as well as what you do and do not want in your life.

Rather than talking  yourself off of the starting block, steel yourself against doubt. Reaffirm your belief in yourself and your reasons for to taking the  leap of faith to pursue your passion or give yourself permission to start over.  Use the 9 Key Points listed below to regain your clarity about key decisions in your life. Then GO!

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” ~ Helen Keller

My Path/Decision:

  1. Skills and Traits I possess that will make me successful in my choice:
  2. Key Reasons Why I am Choosing This Decision/Path:
  3. How choosing this path will change my life:
  4. Experiences in my personal or professional life that make me uniquely qualified to succeed in this area:
  5. Skills and Traits I’d like to develop in order to be more successful in this area:
  6. The first skill I will develop:
  7. People whose advice I’ll seek on my journey:
  8. People whose advice I’ll ignore on my journey:
  9. What success will look like for me:

Make it a great week. As always,  welcome your comment!

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLC