
Posts Tagged ‘Accomplishment’

2016: It’s Fresh, New and Waiting for YOU!

In Abundance, Career, Career Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2016/01/15 at 4:52 am

A Great Start To 2016

Welcome to a New Year!  Everyone is getting in on New Year’s Resolutions  – even Oprah. Her recent alignment with Weight Watchers is making health and lifestyle conscious people throughout the world take notice. Is it a coincidence that she’s featured in Weight Watchers Magazine in January I think not. January is a powerful month.

As consumers of information and media, we need to carefully filter the news and views that reach our eyes and ears. I hope that as this year unfolds, you select messages that focus on Hope and Optimism. With holidays behind us and a shiny new year at hand, this is a great month to access Building A Powerful Vision” tools designed to help you gain and maintain a positive focus as you move in direction of your personal and career goals.
Building A Powerful Vision tools on tap this month:
  • In addition to Oprah being featured this month, you’ll find my Building A Powerful Vision” philosophy and approach quoted in a featured article on Vision Boards in Weight Watchers Magazine, (Jan/Feb 2016). The article is “See It, Be It” by Cari Wira Dineen. You can purchase a copy of the magazine online or at the grocery store or Barnes and Noble. (Of special note: I happen to love the fact that Oprah is a proponent of vision boards as a way of accelerating accomplishment.)
  • Tune into my featured interview in The Millionaire Mama seminar series (begins on 1/15). This seminar series is free and designed for entrepreneurs who want to get started or move ahead. Lots of great advice and giveaways are yours for the taking.
Next up this year are two new projects; an 8-week course, ‘Back to School’ For Your Hopes and Dreams and a Vision Board Party-Pack.
So….fill your 2016 New Year’s Resolutions with Hope and Optimism, and create a year to remember!


~ Tess

Copyright 2016

Tess Denton

3 Steps to Sustaining A Powerful Vision (When Life Pulls You In New Directions)

In Abundance, Career Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, s Mentoring, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2015/10/18 at 10:13 am
The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life

As you may know, I frequently remind readers that the Building A Powerful Vision process provides the internal results of Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum, and Happiness. The medium used in doing this work with individuals and teams is vision boards. A vision board is an external and concrete expression of the picture you hold in your mind of what you want to attract and achieve in your life. Once you’ve created your vision, you build belief through incremental successes. Early successes and commitment result in greater progress and accomplishment naturally follows (Find out more about this and find my books at http://tessdenton.com).

Once an individual creates and commits to a Powerful Vision, life becomes brighter. Good things start to happen. You get on a roll, and you feel unstoppable. Here’s the catch: As effective as my process and tools, or any tools and process you are using may be, you grow and change over time, as do the people around you. Life pulls at your plan, and you find yourself asking, “How do I keep my priorities and my plan in the forefront when new demands on my time and energies show up?” This is where Sustaining A Powerful Vision comes into play.

Sustaining a Powerful Vision and staying true to your vision is a journey, an art, and a science. I’m living the effort right now! In the time between the release of my last book, “Building A Powerful Vision Planner:  A One Year Guide To Creating A Life You Love” and now, I’ve been attending to the many moving parts of my own life. During this time, I’ve made choices about the focus of my own career. I have adjusted my targets relative to the balance of career, consulting and creativity. I have deferred or scaled back my efforts on a number of new projects in order to participate in the life changes taking place for my parents, as they navigate life at age 87.5!

The result is that I’ve conducted more workshops, created fewer BlogTalk Radio episodes, and spent more time managing the journey of life unfolding. I’m not sure about you, but I have come to appreciate that my intentions and vision impact the way that I live my life, and that what happens in life impacts intentions and my vision.

Examples of the many things that can happen on the way to your vision for life and success:

  • Families get larger
  • Parents age
  • Job transfers happen
  • Priorities shift
  • New dreams emerge
  • Health improves

You may notice that one day, you wake up and find that your priorities have changed, and that you need to adjust your vision. Naturally, when life makes new demands, you accelerate some activities, you put the brakes on some plans, you wonder if you can stay on the path of your vision. On some days, you might doubt that you’ll ever figure it out. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Today, I offer three steps to you to help you feel in control, if this is happening to you:

1: Find a quiet place, free of clutter. It is best to take a trip to a spot where you can be alone, perhaps with a cup of coffee and some great music. Step away from your home or office. Once you’re comfortable and ready to concentrate, placed a blank sheet of paper on the table. Write out the following questions and then your answers to the questions:

  • What’s been added to your plate that has changed your sense of control of your time or your freedom?
  • Is “what’s been added” draining your time or your energy or both? Write a few examples of how it is draining.
  • Is “what’s been added” a situation or new responsibility happening for the first time or is it something that you have encountered before?
  • Is “what’s been added” it temporary or permanent? How long is this new responsibility likely to stay?
  • Is your new responsibility something you selected or intended or was it thrust upon you?
  • How is it contributing to your life (for example, life lesson, additional revenue, more time to build relationships)?
  • If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?

2: Looking at the last question, “If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?”, write a few statements about how you think you can stick to your plan for your vision, As an alternative, if it appears that you need to alter your plan, what needs to change and what can remain intact?

3: Review your list of questions and your intentions to stick to or adjust your plan to achieve your vision. Spend 10 or 15 minutes settling into the feeling of being back in control of your world. Notice if you feel more at ease and at peace with the changes that life is presenting to you. Once you are satisfied with your responses and you’ve had some time to sit with them, Fold up the paper, or take a photo of it with your phone (or both), and head back into the stream of life. Keep that paper or photo handy, and refer to it often. You may find that it serves as a grounding reminder of what is happening in your life and your intention to remain centered and in control of your life during challenging times.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week!

Tune In To Women Enjoying Success

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/08/14 at 12:42 am
Tune-in for a Tune-up!

Listen In!

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed on “Entrepreneurial Women Radio”, Sharon Michaels’ radio program. Sharon is an entrepreneur, business coach, columnist and author whose business acumen and wisdom draws a worldwide audience each week.

Sharon’s interviews and topics are diverse, timely and insightful.

Click here to listen to the interview.

I hope that you enjoy the interview and gather some ideas to help you Build A Powerful Vision for your life or business.


As always, make it a great week!


Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC





A Fresh Half-Year Can Yield A Bounty Of Success!

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/07/05 at 3:47 pm
Make This A Juicy Summer!

Make This A Juicy Summer!


Imagine the moment when you slice an ice-cold watermelon in half. You can hear it crack open once you’re at the halfway point. As you gaze at the melon on the cutting board, you appreciate the perfection of its shape. and the scent of its rind and juice fill the air. In that moment, don’t you want to claim the juiciest center slice for yourself?

July is the juicy middle of the year. Back in January, the days were cold and short and the nights were loooooooong. As we work our way toward the middle of the year, things really heat up – literally and figuratively.

June, July and August are the growing season – for crops and for ideas. What are you growing this season? Summer is a time of transition for many people. As school ends, families think about moving or growing before school starts again. Many of us decide to look for and be settled into a  new job by summer’s end. Our dreams seeds have been planted, and we are hoping that this year will have a high yield.

Sometimes, our dreams and ideas stagnate a bit. If we aren’t careful, they can dry up and wither. Tend to your Vision. Making life juicy requires planning, nurturing and a framework. Toward that end, I’ve got an idea for you. Create a virtual garden for your ideas and goals for the second half of the year.

Here’s how it works:

1. Decide if this project is just for you or for you and some others in your life (at home or at work).

2. Make a list of 5 to 7 ideas and goals you’d like to harvest this year. Set it aside.

2. Get a piece of foam board at a local office store/drugstore/grocery store (These run from $1 – $4). Buy a glue stick while you’re at it. Grab a pair of scissors out of your kitchen drawer – they’re probably not in the silverware drawer. They’re in the messy drawer next to your silverware.

3. Flip through magazines or browse the internet. Look for pictures of produce – lettuces, tomatoes, squashes, melons, beans, herbs, fruits, etc. Cut out pictures of those that appeal most to you.

4. Arrange these pictures on your foam board so that they look like a garden you’re growing. Glue them onto the foam board.

5. Grab your list of ideas and goals. match each idea or goal with a crop in your virtual garden. Label each crop with the matching goal.

6. Consider how much you will need to feed each goal in order for it to come to harvest, and make a note of this.

7. Look at your calendar and decide what sort of schedule you need to create to tend to your garden of ideas and goals. The care and feeding of ideas and goals is what will determine your harvest.

8. Tend your garden. Keep a journal of your activities and results. It can become your almanac for future goal setting.

9. At least once a month, prepare a harvest dinner with fresh fruit and veggies, and gather with friends to talk about your successes and challenges in tending to your goals. You’ll likely reap some great advice and encouragement about your goals.

10. When each of your goals is ripe, enjoy its juicy reward!

As always, I welcome your comment. and make it a great week…


Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Imagine Yourself Unstoppable!

In Abundance, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/05/25 at 9:51 am
I Am Invincible!!!

I Am Invincible!!!

As I look out the window this moment, and as I walked down a tree-lined street this morning, I noticed a breeze and a cloudless sky. Jerry Seinfeld summed it up well, when he described a day like today as “good cape weather”. When I think of capes, I think of confidence and invincibility and the ability to leap tall buildings (and obstacles) in a single bound.

If you were to design a cape that would help you accomplish more, to gain momentum, what letter or phrase would you put on your cape? I challenge you, this week, to design a cape for yourself. Choose a color and a logo or phrase that speaks to your fearless, courageous and confident self. Once it’s finished, hang it in a place where it can be your “Thinking Cape“, rather than your thinking cap. Put it on from time to time to summon your courage and banish your doubts and fears as you work to change your world or change the world.

This is a wonderful activity to build confidence in children, as well.

Captain America, Wonderwoman, Spiderman, and Isis will be glad to see that you are a superhero in your own right!

Make it a great week. As always, I welcome your comments…


Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Visit me at http://www.tessdenton.com

Turn Delay Into Something Extra

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/04/04 at 10:48 am
Time For Improvement. A little something extra for when you're delayed!

Time For Improvement. A little something extra for when you’re delayed!

As an always traveler with little “down time”, I find myself between two cities today. I am on a 90 minute train delay. It is somewhat little sitting on the tarmac. There is no way out of this situation.
Thankfully, I’m living life as Nancy Drew would recommend. I am prepared! Last month, I downloaded a book that I’ve been waiting to read, and now, I can do so offline. This gives me the opportunity to ADD to my life while waiting for the journey to continue. I recommend having a stash of reading “snacks” so that you can feed your brain. I am hungry for some sensible reading, after a diet of online junk food. Facebook, Ancient Jewels and e-mail are all trumped by a good read. What are your healthy  “go to” habits on which you love to  feast? Answers welcome…

By the way, the book is Wealth Through Workshops, by Callan Rush.

As always, I welcome your comments!

Make it a great week..


My book, Building A Powerful Vision Board is available on Kindle, Nook and as an E-book, if you’d like to add it to your collection of go to reads. Click Here to learn more.

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Awaken Your Dream Telesummit – THIS WEEKEND

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/03/28 at 5:25 pm
Awaken Your Dream!!

Awaken Your Dream!!

Good evening. I am writing a quick post to let you know that this is the weekend for the Awaken Your Dream Telesummit. It is a free event, and we’ll be featuring talented and skilled speakers all through the weekend. Find out more by clicking here.

I will be presenting my own material on Sunday 3/30 at 1:00 PM Central time.


Make it a great weekend!!!


~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC



Tune Into “Go Ahead and Get Your Hope On”

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/03/16 at 9:20 pm
Hope Fuels Your Fire

Hope Fuels Your Fire

If you’re like me, there are moments in life when it becomes abundantly clear that you want or need something more – more out of life, more from your team, or perhaps more from your relationships. Such “Aha!” moments are an awakening and they can trigger Transformation. 

As your journey to transform begins, you set out on a quest to find people and resources that can help you get from stuck to unstuck, resources that can get you from here to there, and resources that can help you create change that lasts

I am a Future Facilitator. I help people and teams build a powerful vision for life and work and create a plan to get there. My method is Building A Powerful Vision,  and it focuses on  5 key results: Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum, and Happiness. Building A Powerful Life includes 5 key elements: Vision, Belief, Determination, Progress, and Results.

My theme this month is Hope.  In my writing, I define hope as that thing that fuels your fire – the emotional state that promotes your belief in a positive outcome. “Hope” heightens your energy and offers a sense of possibility.  Tune in to today’s episode of Building A Powerful Life in 5 Minutes or Less  for a tune-up and a reminder of the benefits you’ll receive when you Go Ahead and Get Your Hope On!

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week!

~ Tess


My books are available at  www.buildingapowerfulvisionboard.com and amazon.com

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Transformation: Launching Your Heart’s Desire

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/02/28 at 2:36 pm
What's Waiting For You?

What’s Waiting For You?

“Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”   – The Little Prince

Leap Day, a 29th day in February, is a rare occurrence.Leap Day comes only once in four years. In the average lifetime, we enjoy 18-20 Leap Days. The fact that Leap Day will not come around for another two years leaves me with a bit of longing for one day that doesn’t belong to anyone else – a day that I can set aside  to dream, to listen to my heart’s desire, to dare, to prepare to transform my life. But, being melancholic is not how I operate.
Creating a  transformative opportunity for people to listen to their heart’s desire is what I do 365 days a year. So, take heart! .While Leap Day isn’t coming around this year, it is possible to create space for rich and rare occasions such as embarking on a transformational journey no matter what the date on the calendar.
Finding the just right time to embark on a journey of  transformation can be  rather like trying to catching a train to Hogwart’s on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station. Vision, belief and trust are involved. And, just as the the busy station may not be aware of the magic happening there, the people in your may be going about their lives, possibly quite oblivious to your need to take a deep breath and dive into the life you see, sense and desire for your great success or your soul’s survival.. You may be the only one who sees that the time to embark on your journey is…. NOW, and that is perfectly okay. Once you are used to the idea, you can share your news and your progress with everyone else.  Just worry about yourself for a little while.
Whatever your goals, whatever your hope for your future – everything begins with Your Vision. When you are clear about what you want in life, you can move in the direction of fulfilling your dreams.
If you’re ready to gain clarity about what will make you confident, happy, and prosperous – if  you’re ready for direction, wait no more – Build A Powerful Vision for your future.Today, I offer you and way to launch your desires with just the change you have in your pocket:
1. On a slip of paper, write your heart’s desire.Write one extra copy of your desire and place it in a safe place where you can refer to it in the days and years to come.
2. Roll it up into a tiny little scroll.
3. Go to a party store and purchase a helium balloon. Before they fill the balloon with helium, place your scroll of desire inside the balloon.
4. Attach the balloon to your wrist and walk around with it for about 30 minutes. You’ll certainly be giving attention to your desire. If people ask you about the balloon you’re wearing, tell them that you’re releasing your true desire today.
5. Go to a park, a lake, or a rooftop. 6. Release your balloon! (You might want to have your cell phone ready to take a picture). 
Congratulations – Your journey of transformation has begun!!!
As always, I welcome your comments. To learn more about the books in my Building A Powerful Vision Series, or to find out about Building A Powerful Vision coaching, visit www.tessdenton.com.
Make it a great week.
~ Tess
Copyright 2014
Destiny Rising, LLC

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/02/06 at 12:28 pm
Center Yourself in Peace

Center Yourself in Peace

Cathy Huffman is my guest on my BlogTalk Radio segment, “Building A Powerful Life in 5 Minutes or Less”. Click here to listen!

Cathy shares tips for achieving Peace in just 5 minutes. When you’ve regained your sense of Peace, your can get back to creating a life you love.

Enjoy the show, and as always, make it a great week.

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC