
Archive for November, 2016|Monthly archive page

Creating New Habits Takes Vision

In Goals, Success, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2016/11/21 at 10:48 pm


I read an interesting quip on the internet: “Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.”

What can you train yourself to do between now and the end of the year? We have just under six weeks left in 2016, so if follow the path of the dolphin, you could train yourself twice over to do something new.

Here is what I am thinking about doing with these last productive weeks…

  • I think about re-establishing my habit of going to the gym at dawn.
  • I think about creating the habit of spending 45 minutes planning at the end of each workday.
  • I think about being ‘the one’ to take our dog for her two-mile walk each day.
  • I think about stashing $10 each day into a sock in order create a stock fund.

There are multiple benefits to any of these choices, yet making the choice to create a habit of any of these doesn’t move me to action until I envision myself engaged in the activity.

I review each of the habits I am considering and I do a bit more visioning. I think about both success and challenge. In most cases, the challenge is circumstances that might get i the way of follow-through. If I can see myself overcoming the interruption and carrying on until a firm habit is established, I am most likely to succeed.

I know who I am up against, when I undertake a new venture, so I often put picture to paper and create a themed vision board to strengthen my resolve.

Want to learn more about vision boards? Click Here for a primer on my Building A Powerful Vision process. You can also visit http://www.tessdenton.com to find Building A Powerful Vision products.

Happy Holidays and Happy Habits!

As always, I welcome your comments. Make it a great week…


Copyright 2016
