
Archive for November, 2012|Monthly archive page

Holiday Success Tools: Giving Thanks and Preparing For What’s Next

In Uncategorized, Vision Boards on 2012/11/23 at 12:40 pm
Make This Holiday Season Special

It is very easy, as the Holiday Season gets underway, to get pulled into the tide of wanting and waiting. We focus on the want list: a new dryer, new boots, a Bullet blender or an I-Pad and we write-off the month of December to holiday preparations, kids’ school programs and year-end parties.

If I may, I’d like to make a few suggestions that may help you stay productive, balanced and in a place of appreciation for the next 40 days (today through January 1, 2013).

1. Build an Appreciation Board: Keep a running list posted of things for which you can give thanks this year. Add to it every day. Invite your family and friends to add to the list. This is intended to help you keep your focus on appreciation and gratitude rather than “gratitude” – the next shiny object  to buy. Start today, and keep the list going until New Year’s Eve*. It will impact your goals for the New Year. If you still have kids at home, this could be the start of a new family tradition. On New Year’s Eve, celebrate your blessings with a chili supper, a cup of apple cider or a sparkling beverage.

*As a bonus idea, begin by decorating a blank board so that it looks inviting, and take photos of the completed board so that you have a record of what is great in your life.

2. Keep a “Things I Want To Do and Ways 2013 Can Be Different” Journal for the month of December.  Why wait until New Year’s Eve to compile your list of resolutions for the coming year? Proper and Prosperous Planning takes time, and you’ll be well prepared to head into the New Year. Where can you find 5 to 10 minutes every day to slip in some “all about me” time? Here’s the idea… Sneak away from the kitchen after doing the dinner dishes, step away from watching TV,  or arrive at your coffee or lunch get-together ten minutes early so that you have a few minutes alone. Pull our your journal, and begin a new page of ideas about how 2013 can be a year of transition and transformation. This journal is yours and yours alone. Be honest and be bold in what you write.

The time you spend with your journal is not designed for hard-core planning. That comes next. Your job is to stay focused on possibilities.  On January 1st, I’ll be publishing a blog post with links to some prosperity planning tools that you can use to make 2013 a year of progress.

If you are looking for a gift for friends and family this holiday season, consider buying them a copy of my new book, Building A Powerful Vision Board. It’s a great and unique gift under $20.

As always, make it a great week, and I welcome your comments!

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

Holiday Success Tools: Giving Thanks and Preparing For What’s Next

In Abundance, Career, Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Mentoring, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2012/11/23 at 12:23 pm

Make This Holiday Season Special

It is very easy, as the Holiday Season gets underway, to get pulled into the tide of wanting and waiting. We focus on the want list: a new dryer, new boots, a Bullet blender or an I-Pad. We often wait to commit to anything new in our ives until the new year. We write-off the month of December to holiday preparations, kids’ school programs and year-end parties.

As a holiday gift to you, here are some suggestions that may help you stay productive, balanced and in a place of appreciation for the next 40 days (today through January 1, 2013).

1. Build an Appreciation Board: Keep a running list posted of things for which you can give thanks this year. Add to it every day. Invite your family and friends to add to the list. This is intended to help you keep your focus on appreciation and gratitude rather than “gratitude” – the next shiny object  to buy. Start today, and keep the list going until New Year’s Eve*. It will impact your goals for the New Year. If you still have kids at home, this could be the start of a new family tradition. On New Year’s Eve, celebrate your blessings with a chili supper, a cup of apple cider or a sparkling beverage.

*As a bonus idea, begin by decorating a blank board so that it looks inviting, and take photos of the completed board so that you have a record of what is great in your life.

2. Keep a “Things I Want To Do and Ways 2013 Can Be Different” Journal for the month of December.  Why wait until New Year’s Eve to compile your list of resolutions for the coming year? Proper and Prosperous Planning takes time, and you’ll be well prepared to head into the New Year. Where can you find 5 to 10 minutes every day to slip in some “all about me” time? Here’s the idea… Sneak away from the kitchen after doing the dinner dishes, step away from watching TV,  or arrive at your coffee or lunch get-together ten minutes early so that you have a few minutes alone. Pull our your journal, and begin a new page of ideas about how 2013 can be a year of transition and transformation. This journal is yours and yours alone. Be honest and be bold in what you write.

The time you spend with your journal is not designed for hard-core planning. That comes next. Your job is to stay focused on possibilities.  On January 1st, I’ll be publishing a blog post with links to some prosperity planning tools that you can use to make 2013 a year of progress.

If you are looking for a gift for friends and family this holiday season, consider buying them a copy of my new book, Building A Powerful Vision Board. It’s a great and unique gift under $20

Living In Possibility Opens Your Energy

In Uncategorized on 2012/11/07 at 5:59 pm


Today, I am writing from a national business conference where more than 100 women have come together to share their visions, expertise and intentions for their company. There is something particularly positive and stimulating about being in a space where like-minded people come together. Each time this group comes together, the opportunity for a fresh start, to begin again and to work toward dreams and goals comes alive.

As each person arrives at this conference the energy in the room picks up just a bit more. In three days’ time, the goal is for everyone to have rekindled her passion and to be able to sustain her momentum for another year.

What’s happening in your world that is rekindling your momentum? If you can’t find a specific answer to that question, I have two recommendations for you:

1: It may be time to take a trip to Barnes & Noble,  browse the aisles and see what books about inspiration call to you. If you’re like me, a trip to the bookstore is refreshing, and I tend to select the perfect book for my life at the time. Whether you buy the book or just make a note of its title, then head home and purchase a Nook or Kindle version of it, you’ll have shifted your energy to Possibility.

2: Find out what you can do to spread hope and joy to someone who has been affected by Hurricane Sandy. Participate in a local relief effort or find a group that is providing a personal touch to and hope to storm ravaged residents on the East Coast.

Either way, you may come away with a sense of momentum and possibility. I find that it’s always best to look outside myself when I want to be inspired.

As always, make it a great week and I welcome your comments and recommendations for additional ways to Build a Powerful Vision for Possibility. Link to my Pinterest site for some ideas and inspiration.