
Archive for February, 2018|Monthly archive page

New Season. New Energy

In Uncategorized on 2018/02/28 at 9:21 am


Tess Phone Photos early 2016 048


HOPE springs eternal. Always maintain HOPE.

As I write, I hear birds outside my window, and it is good. It makes my heart sing. We are having a winter reprieve, brief as it may be. Just one day of sunshine allows my sense of HOPE to bud. There’s an annual rhythm this peek at spring. At February’s end, nature gives us a glimpse of what’s ahead, though winter weather will be with us for a couple of months yet, in the U.S. Midwest.

I am reminded to wake up from my winter stupor and get ready for all that’s new. I wonder if it’s the same for all people….


Make it a great day

