
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

3 + 2 Inspiring Quotes

In Abundance, Career Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Mentoring, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2018/08/07 at 10:22 pm


blur bottle bright candle

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


Looking for some inspiration? It often comes from outside, and in the best of times, it comes from right inside the personal self.

So, today I’m offering 3 quotes to you, and offering 2 “fill in the blanks” for you to complete.

If you’d like to share your quotes with others, comment on this post! Maybe you’ll be quoted by someone else~

  1. Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.  ~ Babe Ruth.
  2. Love the life you live. Live the life you love. ~ Bob Marley
  3. It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.  ~ Abraham Lincoln
  4. Your Quote Here!_____________________________________________
  5. Your Quote Here!_____________________________________________


Make it a great week 🙂

Tess Denton


New Season. New Energy

In Uncategorized on 2018/02/28 at 9:21 am


Tess Phone Photos early 2016 048


HOPE springs eternal. Always maintain HOPE.

As I write, I hear birds outside my window, and it is good. It makes my heart sing. We are having a winter reprieve, brief as it may be. Just one day of sunshine allows my sense of HOPE to bud. There’s an annual rhythm this peek at spring. At February’s end, nature gives us a glimpse of what’s ahead, though winter weather will be with us for a couple of months yet, in the U.S. Midwest.

I am reminded to wake up from my winter stupor and get ready for all that’s new. I wonder if it’s the same for all people….


Make it a great day





Back to School For Your Hopes and Dreams

In Uncategorized on 2017/08/20 at 7:04 pm


Happy Fall! I invite you to take a few minutes to enjoy this inspirations video titled, ” What Is Your Hope?” . Watch and then answer the question for yourself. This video is also a great conversation starter for your family, your book club, your wisdom circle or your work team.

Knowing others’ hopes and dreams helps you forge strong relationships and offers insight into what is important to others.

As always, make it a great week!

~ Tess




Still Doing It All? At What Cost?

In Goals, Hope, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2017/06/15 at 10:15 am
That's Some  Balancing Act!

That’s Some
Balancing Act!

This is an updated repost of a fan favorite from a few years ago. Enjoy!

Let’s see… there’s a lot on your plate. You work 50 hours each week, you’re almost at the end of your Tax extension,  you need to clear your desk of debris so that what’s lurking on your desk can peek through, not to mention the fact that it’s time for little leagues, graduations, and summer weddings. If you’re like me, you can do it all – but at what cost? Are you working your life away?

I can only assume that Building a Powerful Vision for your future includes a point at which you can stop the madness and enjoy some leisure time. If you’re waiting for someday to say no to the many demands on your time, that day may never come, unless you set the date yourself. To get you started, here’s an exercise that will take just 5 minutes to complete.

  • On a blank sheet of paper, place the numbers 1 through 6.
  • Listen to “Enjoy Yourself” – a classic recorded by Guy Lombardo.
  • List 6 things you’ll do “someday”  – whatever floats your boat: travel to Greece,volunteer at a homeless shelter, get a hot tub, coach your daughter’s soccer team, do community theater, start saving for retirement.
  • To the right of each of those items, set a date by which you will begin or complete the activity.
  • Put today’s date at the top of the list.
  • Post the list on your refrigerator, and let it be a conversation starter for the people in your life who pass through or join you in the kitchen. Your innocent list may just get others thinking about what they’d like to accomplish and by what date they will take action, jut like you.
  • Three, Six, Nine and Twelve months from now, review your list and not what progress you’ve made on those items occurring soonest.

If you’re looking for ways to put your dreams into action, consider getting a copy of either of my books on the topic of Building A Powerful Vision. You can build a vision board yourself, throw a party with friends or begin a one year journey of creating a life you love. So many choices!D

Creating New Habits Takes Vision

In Goals, Success, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2016/11/21 at 10:48 pm


I read an interesting quip on the internet: “Dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.”

What can you train yourself to do between now and the end of the year? We have just under six weeks left in 2016, so if follow the path of the dolphin, you could train yourself twice over to do something new.

Here is what I am thinking about doing with these last productive weeks…

  • I think about re-establishing my habit of going to the gym at dawn.
  • I think about creating the habit of spending 45 minutes planning at the end of each workday.
  • I think about being ‘the one’ to take our dog for her two-mile walk each day.
  • I think about stashing $10 each day into a sock in order create a stock fund.

There are multiple benefits to any of these choices, yet making the choice to create a habit of any of these doesn’t move me to action until I envision myself engaged in the activity.

I review each of the habits I am considering and I do a bit more visioning. I think about both success and challenge. In most cases, the challenge is circumstances that might get i the way of follow-through. If I can see myself overcoming the interruption and carrying on until a firm habit is established, I am most likely to succeed.

I know who I am up against, when I undertake a new venture, so I often put picture to paper and create a themed vision board to strengthen my resolve.

Want to learn more about vision boards? Click Here for a primer on my Building A Powerful Vision process. You can also visit http://www.tessdenton.com to find Building A Powerful Vision products.

Happy Holidays and Happy Habits!

As always, I welcome your comments. Make it a great week…


Copyright 2016




Get Into The Groove (of tapping into your most creative self) And Stay There

In Uncategorized on 2016/10/25 at 10:22 pm

Let Your Music Play

This post is a favorite post of mine that I thought new readers might enjoy!

Do you remember how, when an album dropped on the stereo,  the needle of a record-player would take a few moments to get into the groove before the music began? Take a moment and recall the rhythm of the seconds before a song begins. Is it three revolutions or four?

To me, the example above is what getting into my groove is all about, and it may be the same for you. Whether this new year is about heading in a new career direction, taking on a creative project just for you or reinventing your life, it’s important to know what it is that gets you into your groove so that you can be inspired and accomplish more.

I’ve found two resources that have help me tap into my creativity. One is a terrific wikiHow article about staying inspired. I’ve read or heard much of the information before, but I can use it as a great resource when concentration and creativity aren’t flowing. I’ve bookmarked the article on my computer for days when I sense that I’m getting stalled. The other resource is a link to an amazing AOL nature radio station. I found it when I recently subscribed to tunein.com.  The nature station has a twofold benefit:  It helps me quiet my mind enough to go deep into the zone of accomplishment.  I also use it for relaxation when I need to quiet my mind.

Here are the useful links for you:

Wiki ways to stay inspired

Sounds of nature

As always, I welcome your comments and make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

A “Building A Powerful Vision” 5 Minute Jump Start…

In Abundance, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2016/10/17 at 11:57 pm

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” –  Peter Drucker.



My takeaway from Peter Drucker’s statement above is: “Create Your Future”. These three words are remarkably empowering. To me, these words are a command, permission, a gift and a nudge. Like our DNA,  the statement “Create Your Future” has a different message in it for each of us.  No two futures are alike. The future I choose to create will be entirely different from yours.

When I repeat the words “Create Your Future”, I feel an internal shift. When I add a deep and resounding voice to the statement, a command comes alive.When we embrace the command, we can cut through all of the busy work that impedes our progress. We can start making significant strides in toward creating a future we adore.

For the reader whose life is filled to overflowing, I offer an easy 5 minute activity for this week that will help you Jump Start your Powerful Vision. Simply print, post and ponder the two following quotes:

“Live a life you weren’t going to live anyway”.  ~

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost

Then, watch what happens.

When you are ready to explore ways that you can Build a Poweful Vision for your life, visit www.tessdenton.com to look at my books!!

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week!

A Clean Start and A Fine Finish to 2014

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/10/15 at 5:42 am
Clean Start. Fine Finish.

Spruce Up Your Point of Attraction!

I’ve been away for business travel, paired with some personal fun. Destination – France. Now I’m back, and I’ve returned just in time for autumn, one of my favorite seasons of the year. This is often my most productive and creative season.  It’s taking a few days to adjust to the time zone, so I am up and running at 4AM.  This gives me time to reconnect with my blog and business.

If you’re feeling stalled out or disconnected, relax. As I often say, every day offers a chance to begin again. I recieved this “Abraham” quote over the weekend and I have been reflecting on it since it arrived in my Inbox. If you need a clean start, this concept may click for you: “Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.” —Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008).

With two productive months ahead of you to gain traction on personal or professional goals, perhaps it’s time for you to  create a Vision Board, It will help you tell a new story. As Abraham notes, it will provide a new point of attraction for you.

Knowing that holidays are approaching and that the days are getting shorter if you live in the northern hemisphere, focus on creating a Vision Board that can serve as a fine finish to 2014,  and serve as a springboard into 2015.

  • List three changes you can make in 60 days.Keep the list simple. Ideas for success:
    • An 80/20 diet (80% healthy foods – allowing for 20% indulgence for the holidays).
    • Clean out an area of your home, set it up as your serenity space and begin a 20 minute per day practice of centeredness
    • Walk 3 miles four days a week
    • Create a budget outline for 2015
    • Begin a composting or recycling regimen
  • Using a picture frame, cut a piece of foam board to a size that fits into the frame. Then, select pictures, phrases, cartoons and textiles that relate to your list of changes. Paste them on your board, and place it in a frame. Your vision is now a piece of art. It’s an external expression of what you want to attract into your life through the end of the year.

This is a simple process, but it can serve as a powerful catalyst and motivator for you to have a fine finish to 2014.

If you like these concepts, visit tessdenton.com. This is a great time of year to begin your planning for 2015. Here you’ll find both my book, “Building A Powerful Vision Board” and my 2015 Planner, which will take you on a one year journey to creating a life you love!

As always, I welcome your comments and make it a great week :).


~ Tess

Copyright 2014, Destiny Rising and tessdenton.com











Change versus Transformation….. Make a Choice and Make a Plan!

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/09/29 at 11:40 pm
Here - Let Me Help You!

Here – Let Me Help You!

Happy Fall! These are what I love to call “the productive months” – if you’re considering a major change or you wish to transofrm your life, you might enjoy this short post:

Change is doing things differently. Change is something that can be measured. Change is behavioral. Transformation lies beneath the surface. Looking at what happens in one’s life with greater awareness and curiosity. It means responding in new ways to opportunities and challenges.

It means being conscious and aware of your thoughts, reactions and actions. It means keeping your end goal and your vision in mind when you make choices as you work, play, invest, make career choices and spend time with people. It means keeping your end goal and your vision in mind when you experience success, disappointment, obstacles, uphill battles and incremental wins.

So, what will be your first step or your next step on the journey?

Being with a plan! Of course, creating a plan of action around a vision is not something that you are born knowing how to do. I designed and published a planner Building A Powerful Vision Planner: A One Year Guide To Creating A Life You Love. Your Building A Powerful Vision Planner will guide you every step of the way. This planning tool is designed to help you stay creative, achieve focus and engaged.

Stay awake, alert, and inspired on your journey. Whether you choose my planning tool or you find another that floats your boat,  PLAN!

As Always, I welcome your comments and wish you a great week.

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Tess Denton – Building A Powerful Vision




Three Good Reasons To Lead a Life of Positive Anticipation

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/09/07 at 3:58 pm
Expect Good Things!

Expect Good Things!

… And the three good reasons are:

1. You will ease up on negativity. Media and Social Media are dripping with stories of all that’s wrong in the world today. Stop the insanity!

2. You will begin focusing on possibilities, which improves the probability of good things happening in your life. As Esther Hicks (Abraham- Hicks) says, ” The better it gets, the better it gets!”

3. You will appreciate what’s right in your life, right now. There’s no need to wait for some day to be happy.

I hold a very strong belief that every day is a chance to begin anew – that today may be a day when something great happens. The origin of this belief goes back to a time somewhere around age 12. It was at this age that the words “try-out” and “audition” entered my vocabulary.  My success rate in being selected for red-rover, softball and cheerleading teams was abysmal. In fact, I think that I’m 0 for 20 in that category. Although I was tall, lean and coordinated, I was not athletic. I was more of a song and dance girl.  Once I turned my attention to contests related to the performing arts, my world opened up. Finding a niche suited to my strengths was key to building confidence in my abilities. Along the way, I’ve learned that in order to have great things happen, you have to be brave enough to show up and risk rejection – again and again.

I learned, when working in theater and in sales, that beyond skill and talent, success is “a numbers game”. I have a success niche, and that great things tend to happen more when I’m playing in that zone of strength, than when I am out of my zone. The same is probably true for you. A friend of mine is a casting director in Chicago.  She once explained that in casting a commercial or film, the casting director has a “type” in mind for most roles. They call a talent agency, and ask that actors with a certain look (age, physical features, frame, etc.) and talent be invited to audition.  When you attend enough auditions, you notice that you compete against the same set of actors, over and over again. You show up at each audition, in anticipation that this is the day that something great may happen – you’ll be cast, and your destiny will change. You audition for more roles than you get, but you must show up in anticipation of something great happening each time you’re called.

Regardless of the role in which you are cast, there is the opportunity of something great happening in your life on most days. The definition of GREAT changes over time, just as you do. Great today may mean that you got to spend four hours with your teenage son, and you discovered that the wisdom you’ve been sharing with him for the past sixteen years is taking root. Great today may mean that you found parking spot 50-fee from the train station, allowing you to get to work on time, which rarely happens. Great today may mean that you have been invited to interview for a job you’ve always wanted, and your financial situation is about to change for the better. Great today may mean that you left the dentist without a follow-up appointment to have a tooth filled. Great is anything that takes you to a happy place.

I challenge you to one week of waking up each morning, in anticipation of something great happening in your life. It will inform and transform your day.  Send comments, send feedback. I’d love to hear what unfolds for you.

As always, I welcome your comments. Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising