
Posts Tagged ‘Confidence’

A Wise Woman Once Said…

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2015/05/09 at 10:38 pm
Advice For Life

Advice For Life

This past week, I heard a beautiful piece of wisdom written by Mother Teresa, that I’d not heard before. I am sharing it with you, as food for thought when you set your intention to Build A Powerful Vision for your life.

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.”

Enough said :).

Visit http://www.tessdenton.com for tools to help you live your life to the fullest!

I welcome your thoughts and as always… make it a great week!


2015 Destiny Rising


What are you THINKING?

In Career, Destiny, Hope, Success, Transformation, Vision Boards on 2015/03/21 at 12:32 pm


What We Think, We Become.  ~Buddha

What do you think about yourself – your abilities, your strengths, your best traits, your areas of brilliance? Are you treating yourself well? How important is it to you that you create a life you love?

Do you think of yourself as unstoppable, on an amazing journey, filled with potential?

I’m asking these questions of you, dear reader, because many of my clients and those who attend my workshops go are experiencing an imbalance. They are focusing all of their energies on others and they are overlooking and under-feeding their hopes and dreams.

If you fall into this category, I have some good news for you. Right now, in this very minute, you can change that. You can make the choice to make yourself a priority and strengthen the belief that you deserve the best in life. Now is a perfect time to begin. Winter storms should soon be behind us, and you can thaw out your New Year’s resolutions and make this the season to wake up your hopes and dreams!

Here is an easy recipe for making make your desires a priority in just 30 days? Let’s get started!

Find a wide mouth jar, a pad of paper and a pen.

Place the jar in a spot at home or in your office where you will see it every day.

Once a day for the next 30 days. write one thing that you would like to have or do or change on a slip of paper, and place it in your jar. These are messages in a bottle just for you.

At the end of the 30 day period, review the slips of paper. Sort them into categories and write them out (or type them) on one sheet of paper. What you will have in hand is a month’s worth of your thoughts on what will make you happy – It is literally what you are thinking that you would like to have in life.

For the following week or so, compare that list to how you are living your life. Are you moving in the direction of your best thinking or might some changes in priority, lifestyle or relationship find their way to your “what to work on”  list?

When you are ready to take on the “you” project, I invite you to consider a personal journey of transformation. To help you begin and stay on this journey, check out the tool that I use with all of my coaching clients: “Building A Powerful Vision Planner: A One-Year Guide to Creating A Life You Love“.

There is power in beginnings. Today is Day One of Spring. Let it be Day One of your adventure.

I welcome your comments, and as always – Make it a great week!


Copyright 2015, Destiny Rising


Three Good Reasons To Lead a Life of Positive Anticipation

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/09/07 at 3:58 pm
Expect Good Things!

Expect Good Things!

… And the three good reasons are:

1. You will ease up on negativity. Media and Social Media are dripping with stories of all that’s wrong in the world today. Stop the insanity!

2. You will begin focusing on possibilities, which improves the probability of good things happening in your life. As Esther Hicks (Abraham- Hicks) says, ” The better it gets, the better it gets!”

3. You will appreciate what’s right in your life, right now. There’s no need to wait for some day to be happy.

I hold a very strong belief that every day is a chance to begin anew – that today may be a day when something great happens. The origin of this belief goes back to a time somewhere around age 12. It was at this age that the words “try-out” and “audition” entered my vocabulary.  My success rate in being selected for red-rover, softball and cheerleading teams was abysmal. In fact, I think that I’m 0 for 20 in that category. Although I was tall, lean and coordinated, I was not athletic. I was more of a song and dance girl.  Once I turned my attention to contests related to the performing arts, my world opened up. Finding a niche suited to my strengths was key to building confidence in my abilities. Along the way, I’ve learned that in order to have great things happen, you have to be brave enough to show up and risk rejection – again and again.

I learned, when working in theater and in sales, that beyond skill and talent, success is “a numbers game”. I have a success niche, and that great things tend to happen more when I’m playing in that zone of strength, than when I am out of my zone. The same is probably true for you. A friend of mine is a casting director in Chicago.  She once explained that in casting a commercial or film, the casting director has a “type” in mind for most roles. They call a talent agency, and ask that actors with a certain look (age, physical features, frame, etc.) and talent be invited to audition.  When you attend enough auditions, you notice that you compete against the same set of actors, over and over again. You show up at each audition, in anticipation that this is the day that something great may happen – you’ll be cast, and your destiny will change. You audition for more roles than you get, but you must show up in anticipation of something great happening each time you’re called.

Regardless of the role in which you are cast, there is the opportunity of something great happening in your life on most days. The definition of GREAT changes over time, just as you do. Great today may mean that you got to spend four hours with your teenage son, and you discovered that the wisdom you’ve been sharing with him for the past sixteen years is taking root. Great today may mean that you found parking spot 50-fee from the train station, allowing you to get to work on time, which rarely happens. Great today may mean that you have been invited to interview for a job you’ve always wanted, and your financial situation is about to change for the better. Great today may mean that you left the dentist without a follow-up appointment to have a tooth filled. Great is anything that takes you to a happy place.

I challenge you to one week of waking up each morning, in anticipation of something great happening in your life. It will inform and transform your day.  Send comments, send feedback. I’d love to hear what unfolds for you.

As always, I welcome your comments. Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising


Blog Talk Radio: Building A Powerful Vision for 2014

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/01/26 at 2:35 pm
Tune-in for a Tune-up!

Tune-in for a Tune-up!

I’ve just launched the new season on BlogTalk Radio: Building a Powerful Vision for 2014. Click here to listen to the episode.

Each month, we’ll be focusing on one key benefit of Building A Powerful Vision: Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum and Happiness.

I’ll have special guests joining me here on the my blog and on air all through the season to share inspiration and practical advice. Enjoy!

As always, make it a great week.

~ Tess

To find all of the tools I use to help people build their powerful vision, visit www.tessdenton.com. The site is a gateway to Pinterest, books, planners, podcasts and one-on-one mentoring, all designed to help you create a life you love.

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Change and Transformation – Elements of Success

In Abundance, Career, Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Mentoring, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2012/10/27 at 1:29 pm

I came across two very powerful phrases while at a business retreat last week: Change is doing things differently. Transformation is being differently.

The “change” statement  refers to activity or behavior and is something that can generally be outwardly measured.  The “transformation” statement refers to an internal shift and may not be visible to the naked eye, yet it is palpable – not only to the individual is being different, but to those around them.

Have you ever seen someone after weeks or months of being separated, and notice they are somehow different when next you meet?  In trying to pinpoint he change, we tend to work from the outside in. We begin by taking note of possible changes in surface elements, such as appearance. We slowly work our way inside – to the essence  or the aura, or the way the individual carries herself. While changes to our shell, our appearance are most evident, change in our attitude and demeanor are equally noticeable.

There are three key types of change:

  • Developmental Change
  • Transitional Change
  • Transformational Change

Developmental changes are those you make to improve procedures or activities that will complement your current lifestyle. Think of your exercise program. If you want to improve your upper body muscle tone, you add weight conditioning to your workout. Simple examples: If you think about diet, if you want change the percentage of your diet that is made up of an additional 25% raw foods, add a salad at two meals daily. Development changes generally cause little stress and distress.  In professional settings: Learning new skills that will improve your performance or prepare you for promotion are good examples of developmental change.

Transitional changes are those you make to replace existing approaches or activities with new ones. A replacement example: use olive oil rather than butter in cooking. Eat celery and carrots rather than potato chips. You’ll retain the enjoyment of something crunchy, but it will be a healthy change.   Instead of sitting down and eating ice cream each evening right after dinner, take a twenty-minute walk and reward yourself with a cup of tea.  You’ll be changing you diet and your lifestyle.  In professional settings: If your company has become part of another organization, learning a new software system or learning how a new supervisor wants reports and information communicated are examples of transitional change.

Transformational changes are those you make to completely reshape your life. It is this level of change in which we create sustainable momentum toward getting the life we want. When you’ve achieved transformational change, you have grown, you have stretched, and you will not be reverting to your former way of looking at or approaching life. It is at this level that people often develop the ability to take the long view on life and business, on action and consequence.

Many people arrive at the threshold of transformational change after attempts to transform their lives through changes in surroundings, friends and activities, with little significant result. They discover that a quick fix will not fundamentally change your life. They discover that  transformational change is a journey, not an activity.

Awakening to your transformational journey is refreshing. It’s like opening the windows and doors to let the fresh air circulate through your house after a long winter.

I am in the midst of some self-reflection and examination. I’ve spent the past year and a half “reinventing” my professional focus. I can tell you what I’m doing differently, but that is all information about what has changed on two levels: My business activities and my lifestyle activities (travel, workout, diet). It’s time for me to pinpoint fundamental changes in my way of being to determine whether I’ve just been on a whirlwind trip or if I am on a journey – a path toward transformational change.

If you are asking yourself similar questions, I have three books I’d like to recommend. The first two were published a number of years ago. The books are: The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz), Women Who Run with the Wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estes) [2 of my sisters just returned from a 5-day retreat with Clarissa and simply raved about her insight and authenticity), and my own book Building A Powerful Vision Board: A Path To Achieving Your Goals and What You Want In Life [This book leads you through a process of clarification, creation and action to advance on your path to fulfilling your personal/professional goals].

I’m enjoying my journey and making plans to focus on the transformation and not just the action elements of my life in 2013.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week.

~ Tess

Copyright 2012, Destiny Rising, LLC.

Change and Transformation: Great Change Leads to Great Results!

In Uncategorized on 2012/10/27 at 1:20 pm

I came across two very powerful phrases while at a business retreat last week: Change is doing things differently. Transformation is being differently.

The “change” statement  refers to activity or behavior and is something that can generally be outwardly measured.  The “transformation” statement refers to an internal shift and may not be visible to the naked eye, yet it is palpable – not only to the individual is being different, but to those around them.

Have you ever seen someone after weeks or months of being separated, and notice they are somehow different when next you meet?  In trying to pinpoint he change, we tend to work from the outside in. We begin by taking note of possible changes in surface elements, such as appearance. We slowly work our way inside – to the essence  or the aura, or the way the individual carries herself. While changes to our shell, our appearance are most evident, change in our attitude and demeanor are equally noticeable.

There are three key types of change:

  • Developmental Change
  • Transitional Change
  • Transformational Change

Developmental changes are those you make to improve procedures or activities that will complement your current lifestyle. Think of your exercise program. If you want to improve your upper body muscle tone, you add weight conditioning to your workout. Simple examples: If you think about diet, if you want change the percentage of your diet that is made up of an additional 25% raw foods, add a salad at two meals daily. Development changes generally cause little stress and distress.  In professional settings: Learning new skills that will improve your performance or prepare you for promotion are good examples of developmental change.

Transitional changes are those you make to replace existing approaches or activities with new ones. A replacement example: use olive oil rather than butter in cooking. Eat celery and carrots rather than potato chips. You’ll retain the enjoyment of something crunchy, but it will be a healthy change.   Instead of sitting down and eating ice cream each evening right after dinner, take a twenty-minute walk and reward yourself with a cup of tea.  You’ll be changing you diet and your lifestyle.  In professional settings: If your company has become part of another organization, learning a new software system or learning how a new supervisor wants reports and information communicated are examples of transitional change.

Transformational changes are those you make to completely reshape your life. It is this level of change in which we create sustainable momentum toward getting the life we want. When you’ve achieved transformational change, you have grown, you have stretched, and you will not be reverting to your former way of looking at or approaching life. It is at this level that people often develop the ability to take the long view on life and business, on action and consequence.

Many people arrive at the threshold of transformational change after attempts to transform their lives through changes in surroundings, friends and activities, with little significant result. They discover that a quick fix will not fundamentally change your life. They discover that  transformational change is a journey, not an activity.

Awakening to your transformational journey is refreshing. It’s like opening the windows and doors to let the fresh air circulate through your house after a long winter.

I am in the midst of some self-reflection and examination. I’ve spent the past year and a half “reinventing” my professional focus. I can tell you what I’m doing differently, but that is all information about what has changed on two levels: My business activities and my lifestyle activities (travel, workout, diet). It’s time for me to pinpoint fundamental changes in my way of being to determine whether I’ve just been on a whirlwind trip or if I am on a journey – a path toward transformational change.

If you are asking yourself similar questions, I have three books I’d like to recommend. The first two were published a number of years ago. The books are: The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz), Women Who Run with the Wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estes) [2 of my sisters just returned from a 5-day retreat with Clarissa and simply raved about her insight and authenticity), and my own book Building A Powerful Vision Board: A Path To Achieving Your Goals and What You Want In Life [This book leads you through a process of clarification, creation and action to advance on your path to fulfilling your personal/professional goals].

I’m enjoying my journey and making plans to focus on the transformation and not just the action elements of my life in 2013.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week.

~ Tess

Copyright 2012, Destiny Rising, LLC.

This Week: What Inspires and Moves You?

In Uncategorized on 2012/09/08 at 2:20 pm

This is the Optimist Creed

A Blogger’s call to action… “Energy Response System” – Pinterest

On an amazingly perfect late summer Saturday, I am indulging in some time on Pinterest. On my boards, I am asking questions: “What Makes You Happy?”, “What’s Your Picture of Success?”, “What does HOPE look like to you?”, and other such questions. I notice that I my blog posts receive a comment here and there. I want more! Specifically,  I’d like to get a dialogue started with a broader audience. So, I am performing a test of my own”Energy Broadcast System” – Pinterest. If you are signed up for Pinterest, this call to action is is especially for you. Head to my Pinterest site, browse my boards and comment on boards, quotes, thoughts and questions. This is a new experiment. I want to see if Pinterest is a good forum for dialogue. If you like what you see, please share this post or my site with your friends.

Here you go! Tess’ Pinterest site:  https://pinterest.com/DRTessDenton/

Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC



This week: What inspires you and moves you?

In Uncategorized on 2012/09/08 at 1:13 pm

This is the Optimist’s Creed

A Blogger’s call to action… “Energy Response System” – Pinterest

On an amazingly perfect late summer Saturday, I am indulging in some time on Pinterest. On my boards, I am asking questions: “What Makes You Happy?”, “What’s Your Picture of Success?”, “What does HOPE look like to you?”, and other such questions. I notice that I my blog posts receive a comment here and there. I want more! Specifically,  I’d like to get a dialogue started with a broader audience. So, I am performing a test of my own”Energy Broadcast System” – Pinterest. If you are signed up for Pinterest, this call to action is is especially for you. Head to my Pinterest site, browse my boards and comment on boards, quotes, thoughts and questions. This is a new experiment. I want to see if Pinterest is a good forum for dialogue. If you like what you see, please share this post or my site with your friends.

Here you go! Tess’ Pinterest site:  https://pinterest.com/DRTessDenton/

Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

