
Posts Tagged ‘Bliss’

3 Steps to Sustaining A Powerful Vision (When Life Pulls You In New Directions)

In Abundance, Career Coaching, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, s Mentoring, Success, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2015/10/18 at 10:13 am
The Puzzle of Life

The Puzzle of Life

As you may know, I frequently remind readers that the Building A Powerful Vision process provides the internal results of Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum, and Happiness. The medium used in doing this work with individuals and teams is vision boards. A vision board is an external and concrete expression of the picture you hold in your mind of what you want to attract and achieve in your life. Once you’ve created your vision, you build belief through incremental successes. Early successes and commitment result in greater progress and accomplishment naturally follows (Find out more about this and find my books at http://tessdenton.com).

Once an individual creates and commits to a Powerful Vision, life becomes brighter. Good things start to happen. You get on a roll, and you feel unstoppable. Here’s the catch: As effective as my process and tools, or any tools and process you are using may be, you grow and change over time, as do the people around you. Life pulls at your plan, and you find yourself asking, “How do I keep my priorities and my plan in the forefront when new demands on my time and energies show up?” This is where Sustaining A Powerful Vision comes into play.

Sustaining a Powerful Vision and staying true to your vision is a journey, an art, and a science. I’m living the effort right now! In the time between the release of my last book, “Building A Powerful Vision Planner:  A One Year Guide To Creating A Life You Love” and now, I’ve been attending to the many moving parts of my own life. During this time, I’ve made choices about the focus of my own career. I have adjusted my targets relative to the balance of career, consulting and creativity. I have deferred or scaled back my efforts on a number of new projects in order to participate in the life changes taking place for my parents, as they navigate life at age 87.5!

The result is that I’ve conducted more workshops, created fewer BlogTalk Radio episodes, and spent more time managing the journey of life unfolding. I’m not sure about you, but I have come to appreciate that my intentions and vision impact the way that I live my life, and that what happens in life impacts intentions and my vision.

Examples of the many things that can happen on the way to your vision for life and success:

  • Families get larger
  • Parents age
  • Job transfers happen
  • Priorities shift
  • New dreams emerge
  • Health improves

You may notice that one day, you wake up and find that your priorities have changed, and that you need to adjust your vision. Naturally, when life makes new demands, you accelerate some activities, you put the brakes on some plans, you wonder if you can stay on the path of your vision. On some days, you might doubt that you’ll ever figure it out. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

Today, I offer three steps to you to help you feel in control, if this is happening to you:

1: Find a quiet place, free of clutter. It is best to take a trip to a spot where you can be alone, perhaps with a cup of coffee and some great music. Step away from your home or office. Once you’re comfortable and ready to concentrate, placed a blank sheet of paper on the table. Write out the following questions and then your answers to the questions:

  • What’s been added to your plate that has changed your sense of control of your time or your freedom?
  • Is “what’s been added” draining your time or your energy or both? Write a few examples of how it is draining.
  • Is “what’s been added” a situation or new responsibility happening for the first time or is it something that you have encountered before?
  • Is “what’s been added” it temporary or permanent? How long is this new responsibility likely to stay?
  • Is your new responsibility something you selected or intended or was it thrust upon you?
  • How is it contributing to your life (for example, life lesson, additional revenue, more time to build relationships)?
  • If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?

2: Looking at the last question, “If you have a vision or plan for your future that you’ve been working on, do you need to or want to adjust your plan, based on your new responsibilities?”, write a few statements about how you think you can stick to your plan for your vision, As an alternative, if it appears that you need to alter your plan, what needs to change and what can remain intact?

3: Review your list of questions and your intentions to stick to or adjust your plan to achieve your vision. Spend 10 or 15 minutes settling into the feeling of being back in control of your world. Notice if you feel more at ease and at peace with the changes that life is presenting to you. Once you are satisfied with your responses and you’ve had some time to sit with them, Fold up the paper, or take a photo of it with your phone (or both), and head back into the stream of life. Keep that paper or photo handy, and refer to it often. You may find that it serves as a grounding reminder of what is happening in your life and your intention to remain centered and in control of your life during challenging times.

As always, I welcome your comments, and make it a great week!

Doing It All…. At What Cost?

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Vision Boards on 2015/04/12 at 1:15 pm
That's Some  Balancing Act!

That’s Some
Balancing Act!

Let’s see… there’s a lot on your plate. You work 50 hours each week, it’s time to file your taxes, you need to clear the year of debris so that this year’s growth can peek through, not to mention the fact that it’s time for little leagues, graduations, and summer weddings. If you’re like me, you can do it all – but at what cost? Are you working your life away?

I can only assume that Building a Powerful Vision for your future includes a point at which you can stop the madness and enjoy some leisure time. If you’re waiting for someday to say no to the many demands on your time, that day may never come, unless you set the date yourself. To get you started, here’s an exercise that will take just 5 minutes to complete.

  • On a blank sheet of paper, place the numbers 1 through 6.
  • Listen to “Enjoy Yourself” – a classic recorded by Guy Lombardo.
  • List 6 things you’ll do “someday”  – whatever floats your boat: travel to Greece,volunteer at a homeless shelter, get a hot tub, coach your daughter’s soccer team, do community theater, start saving for retirement.
  • To the right of each of those items, set a date by which you will begin or complete the activity.
  • Put today’s date at the top of the list.
  • Post the list on your refrigerator, and let it be a conversation starter for the people in your life who pass through or join you in the kitchen. Your innocent list may just get others thinking about what they’d like to accomplish and by what date they will take action, jut like you.
  • Three, Six, Nine and Twelve months from now, review your list and not what progress you’ve made on those items occurring soonest.

If you’re looking for ways to put your dreams into action, consider getting a copy of either of my books on the topic of Building A Powerful Vision. You can build a vision board yourself, throw a party with friends or begin a one year journey of creating a life you love. So many choices!

What are you THINKING?

In Career, Destiny, Hope, Success, Transformation, Vision Boards on 2015/03/21 at 12:32 pm


What We Think, We Become.  ~Buddha

What do you think about yourself – your abilities, your strengths, your best traits, your areas of brilliance? Are you treating yourself well? How important is it to you that you create a life you love?

Do you think of yourself as unstoppable, on an amazing journey, filled with potential?

I’m asking these questions of you, dear reader, because many of my clients and those who attend my workshops go are experiencing an imbalance. They are focusing all of their energies on others and they are overlooking and under-feeding their hopes and dreams.

If you fall into this category, I have some good news for you. Right now, in this very minute, you can change that. You can make the choice to make yourself a priority and strengthen the belief that you deserve the best in life. Now is a perfect time to begin. Winter storms should soon be behind us, and you can thaw out your New Year’s resolutions and make this the season to wake up your hopes and dreams!

Here is an easy recipe for making make your desires a priority in just 30 days? Let’s get started!

Find a wide mouth jar, a pad of paper and a pen.

Place the jar in a spot at home or in your office where you will see it every day.

Once a day for the next 30 days. write one thing that you would like to have or do or change on a slip of paper, and place it in your jar. These are messages in a bottle just for you.

At the end of the 30 day period, review the slips of paper. Sort them into categories and write them out (or type them) on one sheet of paper. What you will have in hand is a month’s worth of your thoughts on what will make you happy – It is literally what you are thinking that you would like to have in life.

For the following week or so, compare that list to how you are living your life. Are you moving in the direction of your best thinking or might some changes in priority, lifestyle or relationship find their way to your “what to work on”  list?

When you are ready to take on the “you” project, I invite you to consider a personal journey of transformation. To help you begin and stay on this journey, check out the tool that I use with all of my coaching clients: “Building A Powerful Vision Planner: A One-Year Guide to Creating A Life You Love“.

There is power in beginnings. Today is Day One of Spring. Let it be Day One of your adventure.

I welcome your comments, and as always – Make it a great week!


Copyright 2015, Destiny Rising


Go from Ho-Hum to Happy with help from Melanie Duncan!

In Abundance, Goals, Hope, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/06/03 at 5:39 pm
Increase Your Happiness!!

Increase Your Happiness!!

Go from Ho-Hum to Happy with help from Melanie Duncan!

I read Melanie’s articles and blogs, because she is a Pinterest guru. I loved her post today and thought that you might, too.

June’s theme for Building A Powerful Vision is “Happiness”, so this is a perfect day for this post.


~ Tess

Awaken Your Dream Telesummit – THIS WEEKEND

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/03/28 at 5:25 pm
Awaken Your Dream!!

Awaken Your Dream!!

Good evening. I am writing a quick post to let you know that this is the weekend for the Awaken Your Dream Telesummit. It is a free event, and we’ll be featuring talented and skilled speakers all through the weekend. Find out more by clicking here.

I will be presenting my own material on Sunday 3/30 at 1:00 PM Central time.


Make it a great weekend!!!


~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC



Transformation: Launching Your Heart’s Desire

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/02/28 at 2:36 pm
What's Waiting For You?

What’s Waiting For You?

“Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”   – The Little Prince

Leap Day, a 29th day in February, is a rare occurrence.Leap Day comes only once in four years. In the average lifetime, we enjoy 18-20 Leap Days. The fact that Leap Day will not come around for another two years leaves me with a bit of longing for one day that doesn’t belong to anyone else – a day that I can set aside  to dream, to listen to my heart’s desire, to dare, to prepare to transform my life. But, being melancholic is not how I operate.
Creating a  transformative opportunity for people to listen to their heart’s desire is what I do 365 days a year. So, take heart! .While Leap Day isn’t coming around this year, it is possible to create space for rich and rare occasions such as embarking on a transformational journey no matter what the date on the calendar.
Finding the just right time to embark on a journey of  transformation can be  rather like trying to catching a train to Hogwart’s on Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station. Vision, belief and trust are involved. And, just as the the busy station may not be aware of the magic happening there, the people in your may be going about their lives, possibly quite oblivious to your need to take a deep breath and dive into the life you see, sense and desire for your great success or your soul’s survival.. You may be the only one who sees that the time to embark on your journey is…. NOW, and that is perfectly okay. Once you are used to the idea, you can share your news and your progress with everyone else.  Just worry about yourself for a little while.
Whatever your goals, whatever your hope for your future – everything begins with Your Vision. When you are clear about what you want in life, you can move in the direction of fulfilling your dreams.
If you’re ready to gain clarity about what will make you confident, happy, and prosperous – if  you’re ready for direction, wait no more – Build A Powerful Vision for your future.Today, I offer you and way to launch your desires with just the change you have in your pocket:
1. On a slip of paper, write your heart’s desire.Write one extra copy of your desire and place it in a safe place where you can refer to it in the days and years to come.
2. Roll it up into a tiny little scroll.
3. Go to a party store and purchase a helium balloon. Before they fill the balloon with helium, place your scroll of desire inside the balloon.
4. Attach the balloon to your wrist and walk around with it for about 30 minutes. You’ll certainly be giving attention to your desire. If people ask you about the balloon you’re wearing, tell them that you’re releasing your true desire today.
5. Go to a park, a lake, or a rooftop. 6. Release your balloon! (You might want to have your cell phone ready to take a picture). 
Congratulations – Your journey of transformation has begun!!!
As always, I welcome your comments. To learn more about the books in my Building A Powerful Vision Series, or to find out about Building A Powerful Vision coaching, visit www.tessdenton.com.
Make it a great week.
~ Tess
Copyright 2014
Destiny Rising, LLC

Blog Talk Radio: Building A Powerful Vision for 2014

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/01/26 at 2:35 pm
Tune-in for a Tune-up!

Tune-in for a Tune-up!

I’ve just launched the new season on BlogTalk Radio: Building a Powerful Vision for 2014. Click here to listen to the episode.

Each month, we’ll be focusing on one key benefit of Building A Powerful Vision: Clarity, Hope, Confidence, Momentum and Happiness.

I’ll have special guests joining me here on the my blog and on air all through the season to share inspiration and practical advice. Enjoy!

As always, make it a great week.

~ Tess

To find all of the tools I use to help people build their powerful vision, visit www.tessdenton.com. The site is a gateway to Pinterest, books, planners, podcasts and one-on-one mentoring, all designed to help you create a life you love.

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Mark The Day… Declare Your Vision

In Abundance, Career, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision Boards on 2014/01/20 at 8:33 am
Have A Dream!

Have A Dream!

Today, we commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr.  This is a perfect day to declare your Vision and begin creating a life you love.

  1. Find a quiet spot.
  2. With pen in hand or at the keyboard, begin your statement with with “I have a Dream…”.
  3. Write for ten minutes about what that dream looks like.
  4. Post it in prominent places and live it

Make yours a great LIFE!

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Bundle Up and “Chill” For A Change!

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/01/05 at 9:15 am
Snow Day!

Snow Day!

January 5, 2014 – The weather outside IS frightful if you live in most of the 48 contiguous United States today.

The snow is heavy. Sub-sub-zero temps are on their way. Many of us have been cabin-bound for the past week. How shall I respond to this weather crisis?

Hmm… Usually, I don my  disciplined  project cape and use this time for business related creative work. I tell my family that I need to get a head start on my planning and writing for the new year.

Here’s the truth. I think that my family doesn’t enjoy being stuck in the house with  Miss Intensity. I think they prefer “Let’s build a snowman, drink hot cocoa and bake really good crusty bread!” Tess much more.

Today, my productivity is going to be limited to a read of Desiderata , and a good “Chill”.

Here are my Snowy Day recommendations for you, should you find yourself snowbound this season:

A day of good cheer and intensity-free living will create great memories and garner the  support of those whose support you need the remaining 364 days a year.

Here’s a bonus: You may receive some healthy feedback about ways that your family and friends need your support in their lives while you are busy creating your Best Life!

Make it a great week. As always, I welcome your comments.

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC

Finding The Time To Do What You Love…

In Abundance, Career, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Success, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2013/12/20 at 2:55 pm
Live What You Love!

Live What You Love!

While the title of the article below is a bit tongue in cheek, there is truth and value in its message. We are not always in a position, based on life circumstance and responsibility, to pursue our passions and dreams on a full-time basis.

Enjoy the read and know that the amount of time you have available to pursue your passion is not as important as committing to it!

Here’s the link:    http://www.theonion.com/articles/find-the-thing-youre-most-passionate-about-then-do,31742/

Make it a great week, and as always, I welcome your comments.

~ Tess

Copyright 2013

Destiny Rising, LLP