
Archive for April, 2014|Monthly archive page

Tapping: Life Themes and Where to Begin

In Abundance, Goals, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/04/28 at 7:49 am
Tapping - EFT

Tapping – EFT

Today’s guest blog post is by Cathy Huffman (@tranquilsoul):

 Last Sunday, Tess and I introduced you to the wonderful world of tapping (EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique).  We discussed some of the ways tapping can be used to reduce discomfort or nervousness, eliminate limiting beliefs, or prepare you for an upcoming event. Tapping works by activating the end points of our body’s meridian system similar to the techniques used in acupuncture and acupressure.  But, tapping does something different. It allows you to think about a situation, a memory, an upset, and say words about the situation.  Saying these words and feeling the emotions along with the tapping is what allows your body to clear the emotional charge. Completing a quick round of tapping to center yourself and find a more peaceful perspective is perfectly OK. However, it is also very important to make sure you aren’t ignoring deeper feelings or limiting beliefs that are really holding you back. A very common and effective way to utilize tapping is to clear a limiting belief that you have carried from childhood. This kind of tapping may require more time, a little more deep honesty, and perhaps even, an EFT practitioner or tapping coach to help you hone in on the beliefs that are impacting your life.  Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. What’s a theme that keeps getting in your way? If you have changed jobs, changed relationships, even moved cross country, and the same problems come back, it is time to look within.  This inner work allows you to get very clear on the patterns that are repeating in your life.  Do people question your authority? Do you feel invisible in meetings or social interactions? Have you been betrayed more than once? Do you feel like you just don’t belong? Be as specific as you can, try to focus on one theme for now.
  2. Do you remember the first time something like this happened? Some people can draw a parallel between this pattern and an early memory or experience pretty quickly.  Some of us don’t right away, and that’s OK.  Consider journaling your thoughts.  Try answering these questions.  What could this be about? Where did this come from?  What is this pattern trying to tell me?  Take your time over the course of a few days, and let your mind wander – take a walk, go for a swim, connect with nature, meditate.
  3. How did this earlier memory make you feel? Once you have found an early memory that you think may be related, it’s time to get in touch with those feelings. Does this memory bring you sadness, anger, shame, guilt? Now you have identified a core feeling that is likely contributing to your own limiting beliefs.
  4. How emotionally charged is this feeling?  Rate your level of discomfort on a scale of 0 – 10. Once you have that number, you can measure any relief you feel after several rounds of tapping.  This is where you can begin to tap.

Follow me on Twitter @tranquilsoul where you will see tapping phrases just right for this area of clearing.   As always – Make it a great week! Copyright 2014 Destiny Rising, LLC

Build A Powerful Life By Tapping Your Way To Success

In Abundance, Goals, Prosperity, Transformation, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/04/23 at 12:01 am

  Tap Tap Tap

Tap Tap Tap

On most Sundays, I host “Building A Powerful Vision” a radio show on Blog Talk Radio. Often, I offer tips on building a powerful life in 5 minutes or less.

On some Sundays, we feature a guest with inspired and useful information. This past Sunday was no exception: I think that you’ll enjoy our most recent segment: Building A Powerful Vision: Tapping Your Way to Success Interview with Cathy Huffman. Cathy explains “EFT” – Emotional Freedom Technique AND guides listeners through the process.

Enjoy the show, and enjoy your session! You can follow Cathy on Twitter. Her address is @tranquilsoul.

Make it a great week!

~ Tess

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC





Podcasts: A Way to Build A Powerful Life in 5 Minute Segments

In Abundance, Career, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/04/19 at 10:51 am
The More You Listen, The More You Learn!

The More You Listen, The More You Learn!

For a little while now, I’ve been hosting a BlogTalk Radio show. The set of broadcasts is now large enough and the broadcast occurs with enough regularity, that I’m ready to share a link to my podcasts.

As is true of most everything good in life, practice makes proficient. This is true of  my “Building A Powerful Life in 5 Minutes or Less” segments. Each one isn’t pitch perfect, but I hope that you’ll find some nuggets of inspiration.

Make it a great week!


Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC


Tennessee Walks

In Uncategorized on 2014/04/13 at 7:36 am

Tennessee Walks

It’s been a long winter, so be good to yourself as you move into spring. Whenever possible, take The Scenic Route. It’s good for your outlook and good for the soul! Nature has a way of clearing up confusion…

Turn Delay Into Something Extra

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/04/04 at 10:48 am
Time For Improvement. A little something extra for when you're delayed!

Time For Improvement. A little something extra for when you’re delayed!

As an always traveler with little “down time”, I find myself between two cities today. I am on a 90 minute train delay. It is somewhat little sitting on the tarmac. There is no way out of this situation.
Thankfully, I’m living life as Nancy Drew would recommend. I am prepared! Last month, I downloaded a book that I’ve been waiting to read, and now, I can do so offline. This gives me the opportunity to ADD to my life while waiting for the journey to continue. I recommend having a stash of reading “snacks” so that you can feed your brain. I am hungry for some sensible reading, after a diet of online junk food. Facebook, Ancient Jewels and e-mail are all trumped by a good read. What are your healthy  “go to” habits on which you love to  feast? Answers welcome…

By the way, the book is Wealth Through Workshops, by Callan Rush.

As always, I welcome your comments!

Make it a great week..


My book, Building A Powerful Vision Board is available on Kindle, Nook and as an E-book, if you’d like to add it to your collection of go to reads. Click Here to learn more.

Copyright 2014

Destiny Rising, LLC