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A Clean Start and A Fine Finish to 2014

In Abundance, Career, Destiny, Goals, Hope, Prosperity, Transformation, Uncategorized, Vision, Vision Boards on 2014/10/15 at 5:42 am
Clean Start. Fine Finish.

Spruce Up Your Point of Attraction!

I’ve been away for business travel, paired with some personal fun. Destination – France. Now I’m back, and I’ve returned just in time for autumn, one of my favorite seasons of the year. This is often my most productive and creative season.  It’s taking a few days to adjust to the time zone, so I am up and running at 4AM.  This gives me time to reconnect with my blog and business.

If you’re feeling stalled out or disconnected, relax. As I often say, every day offers a chance to begin again. I recieved this “Abraham” quote over the weekend and I have been reflecting on it since it arrived in my Inbox. If you need a clean start, this concept may click for you: “Your deliberate effort to tell a new story will establish a new pattern of thought, providing you with a new point of attraction from your present, about your past, and into your future. The simple effort of looking for positive aspects will set a new vibrational tone that will begin the immediate attraction of thoughts, people, circumstances, and things that are pleasing to you.” —Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop: Money and the Law of Attraction on August 31, 2008).

With two productive months ahead of you to gain traction on personal or professional goals, perhaps it’s time for you to  create a Vision Board, It will help you tell a new story. As Abraham notes, it will provide a new point of attraction for you.

Knowing that holidays are approaching and that the days are getting shorter if you live in the northern hemisphere, focus on creating a Vision Board that can serve as a fine finish to 2014,  and serve as a springboard into 2015.

  • List three changes you can make in 60 days.Keep the list simple. Ideas for success:
    • An 80/20 diet (80% healthy foods – allowing for 20% indulgence for the holidays).
    • Clean out an area of your home, set it up as your serenity space and begin a 20 minute per day practice of centeredness
    • Walk 3 miles four days a week
    • Create a budget outline for 2015
    • Begin a composting or recycling regimen
  • Using a picture frame, cut a piece of foam board to a size that fits into the frame. Then, select pictures, phrases, cartoons and textiles that relate to your list of changes. Paste them on your board, and place it in a frame. Your vision is now a piece of art. It’s an external expression of what you want to attract into your life through the end of the year.

This is a simple process, but it can serve as a powerful catalyst and motivator for you to have a fine finish to 2014.

If you like these concepts, visit tessdenton.com. This is a great time of year to begin your planning for 2015. Here you’ll find both my book, “Building A Powerful Vision Board” and my 2015 Planner, which will take you on a one year journey to creating a life you love!

As always, I welcome your comments and make it a great week :).


~ Tess

Copyright 2014, Destiny Rising and tessdenton.com