
Busy Need Not Equate To Off-Balance

In Uncategorized on 2012/01/18 at 10:30 pm

January is a remarkably busy month for most of us. After the confetti settles, we pick up where business and projects left off as the Holidays ramped up. Suddenly, we have deadlines and taxes and New Year’s resolutions to address.

Before you know it, the work/life balance you may have acquired in December is but a dim memory. I have recently found a resource, thanks to my niece, that you may enjoy. It helps stop the merry-go-round feeling.  Try this every day for just a moment. In the moment, you can find balance and accomplish what’s important to you until the 2012 Holidays roll around.

One Moment Meditation by Martin Boroson is quite delightful.

As always, make it a great week, and I welcome your comments.

~ Tess

Copyright 2012

Destiny Rising, LLC

  1. The One Moment Meditation video is great! It presents itself as I am just finishing the book Eat,Pray, Love. The old adage…it’s not what happens in life, but how we react to those things, becomes clear. Taking the time to meditate or reflect, if only for a moment helps to react in a more positive way. I love it!

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